Threading hope across the world, one song at a time...

Dear friends, 

Every song begins with one note as every journey begins with one step. So here begins my journey to thread hope across the world, one song at a time. I’d like to think that we can, one by one, each make a difference with our focus of intention. I also believe that music's power to inspire, to elevate and to heal, gives us hope in our darkest moments. In spite of everything, the human spirit will prevail. As John Lennon sang, ‘Imagine’, I, too, dare to dream. 

This grassroots movement began with the seed of one song that continues to grow and evolve. All sales and donations from these songs will be used to continue making music videos that evoke and provoke.
Don't give in and give up, rather, lean in and get up.

One song. One video. One dollar. 


Dylan Alexander Price